
How is it best to deal with clock change for baby’s and young children? Most parents long to sleep that extra hour in the morning, often the child has other ideas!
We’ve put a few pointers together to try and help;

  •  On the day before the clock change look for opportunities to bring some of the of the extra hour in to the baby’s daytime sleep. Not the whole hour, but if they are asleep and they usually have 2hrs at lunchtime then let them have 2.15mins.
  •  Put them down for any subsequent sleep 15-30mins after their normal time.
  •  Let them be the guide with mealtimes/milk but if they are not demanding food at a feed time delay for a short period too.
     Then keep them up a bit later in the evening.
  •  For older children who don’t sleep any more then I would see if they are happy to delay tea that day by 30-1hr and keep them up at bedtime if they can cope with being up late. We don’t want them waking the next morning due to hunger. Most children love a longer bath time.
  •  The next morning when 7am is now 6am just go with the flow! The slight adjustments made the day before may have paid off and the baby or child may sleep until near the new time. If not get them up and start the day as usual. It’s not their fault this has changed.
  •  Try and delay first milk or breakfast within the comfort level of the baby/child.
  •  Remember to change older children’s bedroom clock. They may not be able to tell the time but may recognise the familiar shape of numbers.
  •  If your child has a gro clock you could set the sun to 20-30mins before the new normal time, so if they do wake up at the new 6am (or earlier!) they are not waiting too long and become difficult to manage.
  • The next day have the new daytimes as the times for meals and sleep but be a bit flexible if they are shattered before their usual sleep time or hungry before their feed time.

Within a couple of days they should be on the new time effortlessly.

Good Luck


I am a maternity nurse – A maternity nurse is a specialist in the care of newborn babies, who also provides advice and support to postnatal mothers.

I am a trained child care professionals with over 20yrs child care experience. I have worked with children of all ages and now specialise with newborns, babies and toddlers, because of my insight I have dealt successfully with issues parents often struggle with – Sleep, Feeding and Behaviour to name a few.

Some people turn to me when they are pregnant or have very young babies once they have made the decision to get overnight help. This help ranges anything from an adhoc nights to 5nights a week over many months and everything between. Whether breast feeding or bottle feeding I give you as much sleep during the night as possible allowing you to recharge, recover and thus enable you to enjoy your baby(ies) more during the day. I can advise on all key areas of your young baby including feeding, routines and sleep. Sleepless nights are exhausting, working with you we develop suitable and positive habits to enable your baby to settle down well and sleep through the night at the earliest possible point for them.

Sometimes, either in the early days or at any time in the early years, things aren’t going as the parents would like with their young baby/child. I am often employed to resolve issues. This can be in the form of a consultation, night work or our phone and email service. My phone/skype and email service means I can support families outside Edinburgh, the Lothians and Borders.

I have a family of my own so understand the challenges this can bring. I have been told my non-judgemental approach and the ability to successfully resolve issues allows for my continuing success.

At Little Solutions great pride is taken to ensure the highest level of service is delivered at the time you need it most.

If you need support with your baby or child please get in touch,


We thought we would share with you some important things to remember when putting your baby to bed and in general when they sleep.

  • Don’t position cot/crib/moses basket too close to a radiator/heater
  • Place your baby on their back to sleep, with their feet to the bottom of the cot/crib or moses basket.
  • Clear Cot. Do not have lot of teddies, bedding or cushioned bumpers that are not needed in the cot. All you need in the cot is a firm, flat mattress and the blankets/sleeping bag your baby is in.
  • If swaddling your baby use thin layers. It is better to add several thin layers. You can remove or add as needed depending on your baby’s temperature or the room temperature. Ensure the swaddle is not too tight, and never above the shoulders.
  • Tuck blankets in to the edge of the mattress to minimise the risk of baby getting tangled up.
  • Hats are for outside. You should not use a hat on your baby indoors. Your baby regulates its temperature by releasing excess heat from their head. If you cover it, they can’t do this, therefore are at risk of overheating.
  • Keep room temperature between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius. There are many room thermometers available. You can check whether your baby feels too warm by feeling their chest, it is important to touch the skin. If it feels clammy or very warm to touch lower the room temperature or remove a layer.
  • Do not to fall asleep with baby in your arms or on a sofa or chair.
  • At Little Solutions we do not promote co sleeping however if you are doing this a baby should not sleep in bed with a parent who has been drinking alcohol or smoking

For more information go to


When the time comes for your baby to make the transition from their moses basket or crib to a cot, there are some things you can do to help your baby feel more secure during the move. Baby’s generally move out of their moses baskets when they become too big for them. To prepare for the move, put the moses basket into the cot for a few nights so that your baby can become familiar with the position of the cot and environment around them, whether this is in their own room or in yours.

During the day you can place your baby in the cot during awake periods, this will help them become used to the space around them, stay nearby and talk with your baby so they feel safe and secure while exploring their new environment.

When making the final move to a cot remember all the ‘Safe to Sleep’ guidelines. Cot mobiles are very popular and can be great for during the day while your child is having playtime in their cot, however it is advisable to remove these when you put your baby to bed. Excess stimulation at bedtime may prevent your child from falling asleep. This removal of excess stimulation can also help your baby begin to recognise the difference between day and night



Parents ask us when the best time to do this is. Confident climbers who have managed to work out their “escape route” from the cot will need to transition at this point because of the potential danger. Especially with larger cot beds, toddlers often use their cots until around 2 ½ years old. If you are transferring your toddler into a bed because you have a new baby on the way, it is a good idea to do this a few months before the baby arrives so your toddler does not feel pushed out of their cot for the new baby. Hopefully they will be happily settled in their new “big” bed by the time baby arrives. When your child is potty trained, especially during the night, is latest point we think you should transfer them to a bed, as they may need to get out of bed to use the bathroom.

Preparation for the child

Make the change at a time when you are at home and have the time (and energy) to put into it. Involve your child in the preparation and let them become familiar with their new bed during the day. If your toddler is used to sleeping in a sleeping bag change to a duvet before moving them into a bed. This means it won’t be such a dramatic change for them. Keep their bedtime routine the same, with the only change being where they sleep. We want them to continue to feel secure. If you are concerned that your child may fall out of bed you can place pillows or a spare mattress on the floor. There are also many bed guards available.

Room Preparation

You may have to remove some toys from the room, if you think your child is likely to get out of bed to play. Keep the floor clear and make sure furniture is safe and secured to the wall if need be. Anything you do not want your child to get a hold of should be safely put away. If you have stairs put a gate on them for safety or consider putting a gate on your child’s bedroom doorway. As they have been used to the secure environment of their cot, using a gate on their room can continue to create that environment in their bedroom. This should not be used as a punishment, and if you choose to use this method it is a good idea to put the gate in place weeks before making the transition, so they become used to it. If however you have chosen not to use a gate but find later on that you need to, try to do this in a positive way. Talk about it with your child, perhaps referring to it as a castle gate or fort, that it is there to keep them safe.

Go for it!

Many children feel excited about being in a “Big Bed” and most with the correct transition plan in place will happily make this move, those who find it a little harder may need some extra reassurance but will get there with consistency from the parent and soon you will never look back.


It is very important to create good early habits with regards to teeth brushing. This is something that our children will do for the rest of their lives so the sooner we start the sooner it becomes part of their day. Below are some tips for good practice with regards to teeth brushing and oral health.

  • Introduce your baby to a toothbrush at a young age and definitely by the time that first tooth appears.
  • Every baby should be registered with a dentist by the age of 6 months.
  • Ensure their toothbrush is age appropriate. For babies choose a small soft brush that will feel comfortable in their mouth.
  • Dentists advise Toothpaste should have at least 1000 ppm (parts per million) of fluoride.
  • A small smear of toothpaste for babies and under 3’s. For children 3 Years and above a small pea sized amount is recommended.
  • Parents should assist with tooth brushing until at least the age of 7. Beginning this young will help your child become used to you helping. When you have cleaned their teeth they can also have a turn, allowing them to show some independence.
  • Brush your teeth with them. We all know how much our children want to emulate the adults around them. Let young children see this is a part of your routine also.
  • For children not so keen, distraction can be key, play games, and have fun with it. Don’t avoid tooth brushing.

As important as the tooth brushing is, so are the food and drinks we allow them to have. Water and milk are the recommended drinks for children. Sugary drinks should be kept to a minimum for older children and not at all for babies and young children.

More information can be found at


Just had a baby and feeling low? You are not alone. “I wasn’t prepared for this”, I have heard this phrase so many times.

Finding out you are pregnant creates a mixture of emotions; excitement, apprehension & many more. The pregnancy becomes a massive focus & trawling through buggy reviews online begins!

When baby arrives you strive to be the perfect mum, but what is that?  Things are trickier than you expected, you experience lows & highs like never before, your baby is crying-you don’t know why.  With so many people around trying to help you can’t believe how lost & alone you feel.

These feelings are more common than you realise, we have high expectations of ourselves.

Look at the 4 R’s to help you to feel more secure on this journey.

Rest – Plan breaks in each day. There will be times when your baby doesn’t need attention so take this time to relax.  Have a period during the day of ‘no visitor’ time so you can sleep/rest when your baby does.

Routine – Bring some simple, regular habits into your day.  Before you had a baby you had your daily routine, now getting dressed by lunchtime is an achievement!

Realistic – Lower your expectations of the day. It is good to get out, but exhausting cramming too much in. Also remind yourself its ok not to have all the answers.

Release – It’s ok to tell a friend or family member you are struggling.  Never be afraid to speak out and seek professional help.

For tailored advice and support please get in touch with Karen at Little Solutions and speak to your Health Visitor or GP.

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